Evernote Meeting Notes Template

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6 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Work Performance Brian M. Fischer
6 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Work Performance Brian M. Fischer from brianmfischer.com

Evernote is a popular note-taking app that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. One of the features that sets Evernote apart from other note-taking apps is its ability to create templates. Templates are pre-designed notes that can be customized to fit your needs. In this article, we will discuss the Evernote Meeting Notes Template and how it can be used to enhance your meeting productivity.

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What is the Evernote Meeting Notes Template?

The Evernote Meeting Notes Template is a pre-designed note that can be used to structure and organize your meeting notes. It provides a consistent format for capturing important information such as meeting agenda, action items, and key decisions. The template is designed to save you time and ensure that you don’t miss any important details during your meetings.

The Evernote Meeting Notes Template includes sections for the meeting date, attendees, agenda, discussion points, action items, and next steps. It also provides space for additional notes and attachments. The template can be customized to fit your specific needs, allowing you to add or remove sections as necessary.

Benefits of Using the Evernote Meeting Notes Template

Using the Evernote Meeting Notes Template offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps you stay organized by providing a structured format for your meeting notes. This makes it easier to review and find information later on. Secondly, the template ensures that you capture all the necessary details during your meetings, reducing the risk of forgetting important information or action items.

Additionally, the Evernote Meeting Notes Template promotes collaboration by allowing you to easily share your meeting notes with others. You can invite team members to view and edit the notes, making it easy to collaborate and keep everyone on the same page.

How to Use the Evernote Meeting Notes Template

Using the Evernote Meeting Notes Template is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a new note in Evernote.
  2. Click on the “Template” button in the top toolbar.
  3. Select the “Meeting Notes” template from the list of available templates.
  4. Customize the template by adding or removing sections as needed.
  5. Fill in the relevant information for your meeting, such as the date, attendees, and agenda.
  6. During the meeting, take notes in the designated sections of the template.
  7. Add action items and next steps as they arise.
  8. After the meeting, review the notes and share them with the relevant stakeholders.

Customization Options

The Evernote Meeting Notes Template can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can add or remove sections, rearrange the order of sections, and modify the formatting to suit your preferences. For example, you can add a section for meeting objectives or remove the attachments section if it’s not relevant to your meetings.

To customize the template, simply click on the “Edit” button in Evernote and make the desired changes. You can also save your customized template as a new template for future use.

Tips for Making the Most of the Evernote Meeting Notes Template

Here are some tips to help you make the most of the Evernote Meeting Notes Template:

  • Be consistent: Use the template consistently for all your meetings to maintain a standardized format.
  • Keep it concise: Focus on capturing key points and action items rather than detailed transcriptions of the entire meeting.
  • Use tags: Use Evernote’s tagging feature to easily categorize and search your meeting notes.
  • Set reminders: Use Evernote’s reminder feature to stay on top of action items and follow-ups.

Examples of Evernote Meeting Notes Templates

Here are some examples of Evernote Meeting Notes Templates:

  1. Basic Meeting Notes Template: Includes sections for meeting date, attendees, agenda, discussion points, action items, and next steps.
  2. Project Kickoff Meeting Notes Template: Includes sections for project overview, goals, stakeholders, and action items.
  3. Client Meeting Notes Template: Includes sections for client information, meeting objectives, discussion points, and follow-up actions.

Integration with Other Tools

Evernote can be integrated with other productivity tools to further enhance your meeting management. For example, you can integrate Evernote with project management tools like Asana or Trello to automatically create tasks from your meeting action items. You can also integrate Evernote with calendar apps like Google Calendar or Outlook to sync your meeting notes with your calendar events.


The Evernote Meeting Notes Template is a powerful tool for enhancing your meeting productivity. By providing a structured format for capturing and organizing your meeting notes, it helps you stay organized, collaborate effectively, and ensure that no important details are overlooked. With its customization options and integration capabilities, the template can be tailored to fit your specific needs and seamlessly integrated into your existing workflows. Start using the Evernote Meeting Notes Template today and take your meeting productivity to the next level!

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