Mileage Log For Taxes Template

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Mileage log is an important tool for individuals who use their vehicles for business purposes and need to track their mileage for tax deductions. Keeping an accurate mileage log can help you claim the maximum allowable deductions and avoid any potential audits from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In this article, we will discuss the importance of maintaining a mileage log for taxes and provide you with a template to help you get started.

Table of Contents

Importance of Mileage Log for Taxes

A mileage log is crucial for individuals who use their vehicles for business purposes because it serves as evidence to support their tax deductions. The IRS requires taxpayers to keep detailed records of their business mileage, including the date, starting and ending locations, the purpose of the trip, and the number of miles driven.

By maintaining a mileage log, you can accurately calculate your deductible mileage and claim it on your tax return. Deductible mileage includes trips to meet clients, travel between job sites, and other business-related activities. Without a mileage log, it can be challenging to determine the exact miles driven for business purposes, potentially resulting in missed deductions or incorrect reporting.

What Should Be Included in a Mileage Log

A comprehensive mileage log should include the following information:

  1. Date of the trip
  2. Starting location
  3. Ending location
  4. Purpose of the trip
  5. Number of miles driven

It’s essential to record each business trip separately and clearly state the purpose of the trip. For example, if you are driving to a client meeting, you should specify the client’s name and the purpose of the meeting in your mileage log.

Mileage Log Template

To help you maintain an organized and accurate mileage log, here is a simple template you can use:

Date Starting Location Ending Location Purpose of Trip Number of Miles
01/01/2023 Home Office Commute 10
01/02/2023 Office Client Meeting Meeting with ABC Company 25

You can customize this template based on your specific needs and add more rows as necessary.

How to Use the Mileage Log Template

Using the mileage log template is simple. Each time you take a business-related trip, fill in the corresponding details in the template. Start with the date, followed by the starting location, ending location, purpose of the trip, and the number of miles driven. Be sure to update the template regularly to ensure accurate record-keeping.

Tips for Maintaining an Accurate Mileage Log

Here are some tips to help you maintain an accurate mileage log:

  1. Always carry a notebook or use a mileage tracking app to record your trips immediately after they occur.
  2. Include specific details about the purpose of each trip to support your deductions.
  3. Keep all receipts and documentation related to your business travel expenses.
  4. Regularly review and update your mileage log to ensure it remains accurate.

Reviewing and Updating Your Mileage Log

It’s important to regularly review and update your mileage log to ensure its accuracy. Set aside time each week or month to go through your log and make any necessary revisions. This will help you catch any errors or missing information and ensure that your log is up to date for tax purposes.

Using Mileage Tracking Software

If you prefer a more automated approach, you can consider using mileage tracking software. These tools allow you to track your mileage using your smartphone’s GPS and automatically generate mileage logs for you. Some popular mileage tracking apps include MileIQ, Everlance, and TripLog. Be sure to choose a reputable and IRS-compliant software to ensure the accuracy and validity of your mileage log.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When maintaining a mileage log, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could lead to inaccurate reporting or missed deductions. Some common mistakes to avoid include:

  • Not recording trips immediately after they occur
  • Mixing personal and business trips in the same log
  • Forgetting to record the purpose of each trip
  • Estimating mileage instead of tracking actual miles driven

By being mindful of these mistakes, you can ensure the accuracy and integrity of your mileage log.

Preparing for an IRS Audit

In the event of an IRS audit, having a well-maintained mileage log can provide you with the necessary documentation to support your deductions. To prepare for an audit:

  1. Keep your mileage log organized and easily accessible.
  2. Retain all supporting documentation, such as receipts and invoices, for your business travel expenses.
  3. Be prepared to explain and justify any discrepancies or unusual entries in your mileage log.
  4. Consult with a tax professional or accountant for guidance and assistance during the audit process.


Maintaining a detailed and accurate mileage log is essential for individuals who use their vehicles for business purposes. By using the provided mileage log template and following the tips mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your log is thorough, organized, and compliant with IRS regulations. Remember to review and update your log regularly and keep all supporting documentation to support your deductions. With a well-maintained mileage log, you can confidently claim your tax deductions and avoid any potential audits from the IRS.

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