Project Management Decision Log Template

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Decision Log Templates 12+ Free Docs, Xlsx & PDF Formats, Samples
Decision Log Templates 12+ Free Docs, Xlsx & PDF Formats, Samples from

A decision log is an essential tool in project management that helps keep track of all the decisions made throughout the project lifecycle. It serves as a centralized repository for recording decisions, their rationale, and the individuals involved in making them. Having a decision log template can streamline the decision-making process and enhance communication among project stakeholders.

Table of Contents

What is a Decision Log?

A decision log is a document or spreadsheet that captures important decisions made during a project. It provides a historical record of decisions, their context, and the individuals responsible for making them. The log includes information such as the decision description, decision date, decision maker, rationale, and any supporting documents or references.

Having a decision log allows project managers and team members to refer back to previous decisions, understand the reasoning behind them, and evaluate their impact on the project. It promotes transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making throughout the project lifecycle.

Why is a Decision Log Important?

A decision log is important for several reasons:

1. Documentation: It provides a centralized location for storing all project decisions, ensuring they are properly documented and easily accessible.

2. Transparency: The log allows stakeholders to review all decisions made, understand the rationale behind them, and track their implementation.

3. Accountability: By recording decision makers, the log helps establish accountability for the outcomes and consequences of decisions.

4. Communication: It enhances communication among team members by providing a shared understanding of decisions and their implications.

5. Learning and Improvement: The decision log serves as a valuable resource for future projects, enabling teams to learn from past decisions and improve their decision-making processes.

How to Create a Decision Log Template?

Creating a decision log template involves several steps:

1. Identify the Required Information: Determine what information needs to be captured in the decision log, such as decision description, date, decision maker, rationale, and supporting documents.

2. Choose a Format: Decide on the format of the decision log, whether it’s a spreadsheet, document, or specialized project management tool.

3. Create Columns and Rows: Set up the template with appropriate columns for each piece of information and rows to record individual decisions.

4. Include Additional Sections: Consider adding sections for categorizing decisions, tracking their implementation status, and documenting any follow-up actions.

5. Customize the Template: Tailor the template to suit the specific needs of your project, such as adding or removing columns, adjusting the layout, or incorporating branding elements.

6. Share the Template: Make the decision log template accessible to all project stakeholders, ensuring they understand how to use it effectively.

Key Components of a Decision Log Template

A decision log template typically includes the following components:

1. Decision Description: A brief description or title of the decision being made.

2. Decision Date: The date when the decision was made.

3. Decision Maker: The individual or group responsible for making the decision.

4. Rationale: The reasoning or justification behind the decision.

5. Supporting Documents: Any additional documents or references that support the decision.

6. Implementation Status: The current status of the decision’s implementation, whether it’s in progress, completed, or pending.

7. Follow-up Actions: Any actions or tasks resulting from the decision that need to be executed.

Benefits of Using a Decision Log Template

Using a decision log template offers several benefits:

1. Organization: It helps keep all decisions organized in a single location, preventing information from being scattered across different platforms or documents.

2. Efficiency: The template streamlines the decision-making process by providing a structured framework for capturing and reviewing decisions.

3. Consistency: It ensures consistency in decision documentation, making it easier to compare and analyze decisions made throughout the project.

4. Accessibility: A decision log template allows stakeholders to access and review decisions at any time, promoting transparency and collaboration.

5. Analysis: By having a comprehensive log of decisions, project managers can analyze patterns, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Tips for Maintaining a Decision Log

To effectively maintain a decision log, consider the following tips:

1. Regular Updates: Update the decision log in real-time or at regular intervals to ensure it remains accurate and up to date.

2. Be Detailed: Provide sufficient information in the decision log to ensure clarity and understanding for future reference.

3. Assign Ownership: Assign responsibility to a specific individual or team for maintaining and managing the decision log.

4. Establish Review Processes: Set up review processes to periodically analyze and evaluate decisions recorded in the log.

5. Train Users: Provide training or guidelines to all stakeholders on how to effectively use the decision log template.

Decision Log Template Example

Here is an example of a decision log template:

Decision Description | Decision Date | Decision Maker | Rationale | Supporting Documents | Implementation Status | Follow-up Actions

Decision 1 | 2023-01-15 | Project Manager | To adopt Agile methodology for the project | Agile Manifesto, Stakeholder feedback | Completed | Conduct Agile training for the team

Decision 2 | 2023-02-05 | Steering Committee | To allocate additional budget for resource hiring | Financial analysis report | In progress | Obtain approval from finance department


A decision log template is a valuable tool in project management that helps capture, track, and document all decisions made throughout a project. It promotes transparency, accountability, and effective communication among project stakeholders. By using a decision log template, project managers can enhance decision-making processes, improve project outcomes, and create a valuable resource for future projects.

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