Resignation Letter Requesting Severance Pay: A Comprehensive Guide

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In today’s competitive job market, it’s not uncommon for employees to find themselves in a position where they need to resign from their current job. Whether it’s due to personal reasons, a better opportunity, or a toxic work environment, resigning can be a challenging process. However, one aspect that many employees overlook is the possibility of requesting severance pay upon resignation.

Table of Contents

Understanding Severance Pay

Severance pay, also known as a separation package, is a form of compensation provided by employers to employees who are leaving the company. It is typically offered as a gesture of goodwill and to help employees transition to new employment. The amount of severance pay can vary depending on factors such as length of employment, job level, and company policies.

While severance pay is not legally required in most countries, many companies offer it as part of their employment contracts or as a standard practice. It is important to note that severance pay is different from any unused vacation or sick leave pay that an employee may be entitled to upon resignation.

When to Request Severance Pay

Deciding when to request severance pay can be a strategic decision. It is generally recommended to wait until after you have formally submitted your resignation letter before discussing severance pay with your employer. This allows you to establish your commitment to leaving the company and can potentially strengthen your negotiation position.

It is also important to assess your eligibility for severance pay before making a request. Review your employment contract, company policies, and any relevant laws or regulations to determine if you are entitled to severance pay. Additionally, consider factors such as your length of employment, job level, and the circumstances surrounding your resignation.

How to Write a Resignation Letter Requesting Severance Pay

Writing a resignation letter requesting severance pay requires careful thought and preparation. It is essential to maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the letter. Here are some key elements to include:

  1. Address the letter to your immediate supervisor or the appropriate person in your company’s human resources department.
  2. State your intention to resign from your position and include the effective date of your resignation.
  3. Express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences gained during your employment.
  4. Clearly state your request for severance pay and provide a brief explanation of why you believe you are entitled to it.
  5. Highlight any exceptional circumstances or contributions that justify your request for severance pay.
  6. Offer to assist with the transition process and provide contact information for future communication.
  7. Close the letter with a professional and courteous tone.

Sample Resignation Letter Requesting Severance Pay

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I am writing to formally resign from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name], effective [Resignation Date].

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that I have gained during my employment at [Company Name]. It has been a privilege to work with such a talented and dedicated team.

As I transition to the next phase of my career, I would like to request severance pay in accordance with my employment contract and the company’s policies. I believe that my length of employment, job level, and the circumstances surrounding my resignation warrant consideration for severance pay.

During my time at [Company Name], I have consistently exceeded expectations and have contributed to significant achievements, including [highlight specific accomplishments]. These exceptional circumstances further support my request for severance pay.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will be available to assist with the handover process. Please feel free to contact me at [phone number] or [email address] for any further clarification or assistance.

Thank you once again for the support and guidance provided throughout my employment at [Company Name]. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had, and I wish the company continued success in the future.


[Your Name]

Negotiating Severance Pay

Once you have submitted your resignation letter requesting severance pay, it is possible that your employer may not immediately agree to your request. In such cases, it may be necessary to engage in negotiation discussions.

During the negotiation process, it is important to remain professional and focused on the value you bring to the company. Highlight your contributions, skills, and expertise, and make a case for why you believe you are entitled to severance pay.

Consider seeking legal advice or consulting with an employment professional if you encounter challenges during the negotiation process. They can provide guidance on your rights and help you navigate the negotiation process effectively.

It is essential to familiarize yourself with the legal requirements and regulations regarding severance pay in your country or region. Employment laws can vary significantly, and understanding your rights and entitlements is crucial.

Consulting with an employment lawyer or researching relevant laws and regulations can provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions and protect your interests.


Requesting severance pay in your resignation letter is a proactive and strategic approach to ensure a smooth transition and secure financial support during your job transition. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can effectively request severance pay and negotiate a fair agreement with your employer.

Remember, each situation is unique, and it is important to tailor your resignation letter and negotiation approach to your specific circumstances. With careful planning and thoughtful communication, you can navigate the process successfully and set yourself up for future career success.

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